For traveling into/out of hunting area on Rhino, or climbing in or out of stand, I have been using a quiethide leather holster for a few years now. I had to make a number of modifications to the holster. As seen on the web site, the first time I knelt down, the contender slid right out and onto the ground. The leather thong holding it in, was not placed in the right location and the way the shoulder straps are attached to the holster itself, causes the contender to ride horizontally, rather than vertically. There also wasn't much that could be done to adjust how high or low the holster rode. I removed the straps, reattached them so the pistol rides more upright and removed the thongs holder, and used a heavier leather thong to hold the pistol in while traveling. I also attached a belt buckle to the straps so I can easily adjust how much slack I need, depending on the amount of clothing I am wearing.