Hey curdog! Ya'll killed any steel dust gray hogs up in okieland? Me and a friend went huntin in the ice down here today and he jumped 28 in one bunch on some winter wheat. Shot a medium sized boar about 250 lbs. Checked his teeth and he wasn't a domestic cross he was pure feral. Kinda skinny, real long headed, and his hair was about 4" long and gray. Good set of cutters too. He was ugly. 3030 took all the starch outta him though. What about the grays? Seen any?
By the way, that Jack Russell I kept outa the last litter yours is out of is a mess. He's huntin already, and I can't find anything to scare him, includin his old man. He tries him out about twice a day, and the old man kicks his butt, but can't break him from trying. He looks like a Jack oughta look, and can keep up in the woods.