I Have two different friends.. Both of which gave me there doe hides from this year...
One using his .50 caliber TC Oncore and some .295 grain Hollow point PowerBelts.
Other friend using his 12 gauge remington 870 with Lightfield 12 gauge sabots...
Both Hides told the stories the same as they told me. Both shot a doe that was slightly quartering away from them.. and Both the rounds in these Pics I found later on in the upper neck area on the back spine area of the carcuss.... On the Hide itself as they gave me just the Hides.
Both Mushroomed out as exspected..I Don't know if these are fulley Intact yet or alot less grain and weight as they was before firsted threw ribs,shoulder blades and muscle tissue..
I'll allow the Pics to show the Exspantion they Both gave.
God Bless and safe shooting
Scottie_the_Boy ( In Steuben County N.Y.)