Author Topic: Kinds of powder and sticking cases.  (Read 245 times)

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Offline Blammer

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Kinds of powder and sticking cases.
« on: January 05, 2007, 10:12:23 AM »
I have a NEF in 243 win.

I am having some trouble with cases sticking in the chamber after being fired.

I bought some BRAND new brass to start from scratch again to see if I could beat this problem.

I have polished the inside of the chamber and thoroughly degreased it.

On to the brass and powder and bullets.

Brass is new, necksized only for first loading, and throroughly degreased/de lubed. Standard lenght check and prep done...

My question is...

Has anyone noticed that a particular type of powder (meaning faster or slower burning rate) has caused cases to stick MORE or less within regular charges. Meaning no hot rodding going on. Just nice middle of the road loads.

Would H335 cause more cases to stick than IMR 4350 with the same bullet.

I don't know, just want opinions and experience, that maybe the faster burning powders, developing a higher pressure quicker, may contribute to sticking cases.

If I can't get them to stop sticking I may have to send it back for  "repairs" or AI it.

Offline Mac11700

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Re: Kinds of powder and sticking cases.
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2007, 11:20:43 AM »

Higher pressure loads tend to stick when the cases are undersized from what I've found..Most often when folks are loading for a 243 in a Handi..I've seen that either the brass is undersized to begin with..and or they have pushed the shoulder back and the cases when seated in the chamber are bellow flush...In the past year..I have encountered more factory new brass that is way undersized and allows the cases to seat below flush with the rim...If you have some of this new brass unfired still...drop a few of the cases into the chamber and verify that it is flush not below...

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Offline stimpylu32

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Re: Kinds of powder and sticking cases.
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2007, 11:32:08 AM »
Try FL sizing some of the brass , also give some IMR4895 a chance , i have found that it burns better and more consistently in my 22-250 and am going to try some in my new 243 too .


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