Author Topic: South Texas trapping  (Read 739 times)

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Offline trappenjoe

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South Texas trapping
« on: March 10, 2004, 01:56:07 PM »
Does anybody know how the hunting , trapping is in south texas hill country?? might have to move down there .
Little Joe

Offline Wackyquacker

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South Texas trapping
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2004, 12:29:57 PM »
You best stay where you are.  Lots more snakes, armydilldos every where, $30 cats and $15 coyotes.  Oh there is very litlle land in Tx that is not private so get ready to pay to hunt.  Now if you are going to run a large spread that may be a bit better but be prepared to have lots of lease hunters and trappers on the place.   Why would you want to go to Tx anyhow? :eek:

Offline Jacktheknife

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« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2004, 08:25:57 PM »
Howdy,  Whacky is right about the fur prices,                                      I live in Dallas county, where there are 4,000,000 people in this county!
 However... I live outside of the city limits, and next to big farms and ranches where when out on the trapline... I never have seen anyone in 20 years.       { There ain't no deer in Dallas county}                                                       A couple of miles on a wooded creek, and I live right in the middle of it on 25 acres...   When I was going to U. T. In Austin, I got to know the hill country,            and yes it is a zoo when it is hunting season.
[All the folks dying for a deer and it ain't half as good as Hog!]                      If I was going to move back down there, I would try to live next to a big, brushy, place, which was owned by an old person, a corporation, or an absent owner.  If you could get to know the landowner so much the better, do something nice for them and you can trap forever!  

                 And that reminds me!  [ Not again]
The old dude who used to lease the big place across the road, I heard old Grady. holler at me and asked me to accompany him to look for a cow and calf which he was concerened about.  We walked all over the place till we ended up by these pens and corrals.
 There the are! He said.   So he chased them across the barn area,  and proceeded to herd the old cow and her calf along this chute, or a narrow,  {two parallel fences} as I just stood there and watched.                Whereupon...  All of a sudden, the cow decided not to go into the pen which was at the end of the chute... and started to back up!
 Back she came and  Grady fell down on his back! And the cow was like in slow motion, backing over Grady!  His eyes showed horror!                   His mouth was open,  but he was speechless, and his face was white!                                           I can see the picture in my mind like it was yesterday!  Grady was pretty old,  and it was not looking good for him!
                       [ Now I will tell how I came to be most welcome,  to trap all over the place around here!]                                                                            I turned around and saw a 1'' x 10''
Older than I am {and thats pretty old}
 And broken off on the end where it was perfect for the job at hand !
 I just picked up the old board and stabbed the cow in the rear!   as hard as I could while saying loudly:                 [ HAAAAA !!!]
 {Actually I stabbed her in the hip but rear sounds better in the story}
 She jumped like a rabbit!   forwards,   and away from old Grady.

            It looked just like I knew what I was doing , but I didn't ...             it was pure luck.
 Grady got up all shaken and said that I had saved his live!
 God saved your life Grady!   I replied.
  And he had too!
 Old Grady sold his  cows, all of them!  the very next day!            And retired.

              But the new guy who leases the land lets me trap !

              He's a good friend,  [ and has seen the same Aliens I saw back 15 years ago too ! ]
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Offline RdFx

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« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2004, 09:40:34 PM »
Jack are you anywhere near Robert Lee Texas?

Offline Jacktheknife

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« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2004, 07:40:37 PM »
Stand by... I have to find a Texas map, and their ain't one in my truck, so stand by and I may as well know where bob lee is anyway. Knife
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Offline Jacktheknife

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Still looking...
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2004, 07:20:55 PM »
I looked on a map and still have no idea where Bob Lee Texas is,            so... I don't recon that I live near Bob Lee, but then I was at a gun show and asked someone who made display boxes where Watuga is, and it turned out to be in the next county over. I have lived here for 50 years and never heard of it, mabey I do live near Bob Lee?        I live in Dallas county.
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Offline bulletbox

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It is ROBERT LEE, not Bob Lee.....
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2004, 03:11:09 PM »

Robert Lee was named after the great Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who was suppose to be stationed at Fort Chadborne, which is near here, when the War of Northern Aggression broke out......

It is located:

North of San Angelo, TEXAS about 30 miles,

Southwest of Abilene TEXAS about 80 miles

South of Colorado City TEXAS about 55 miles

Southeast of Midland about 85 miles....

I live and ranch at Edith, TEXAS which is about 12 miles west of Robert Lee, TX..... There is nothing left of Edith, but a historical marker......

The reason why the Silver haired RdFx asked if you knew where Robert Lee is, is because I have given him fits on these trapping sites for a while now and he always asks TEXANS if they know where Robert Lee is...... LOL......

Come on down to Uvalde to the TTFHA Spring Fling and visit.....

I am fixing to post the information on this board and Hal's board, if he hasn't kicked me off again........ LOL.......

Good Luck and God Bless.....

Good Luck and God Bless you and yours,


Offline RdFx

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Oh Yea
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2004, 04:21:50 PM »
Jack ol BB and i go way back why when Gen Lees Mama ask my mama if she could name him after me she said sure nuff and thats the rest of the story.................  BB and i  used to TRY and share montgomerys on ebay but  the ol fuddy duddys on Ebay  kicked BB off on some cute kitty cats he was selling  so i had to go at it alone.  Goes to show you   the gentleman BB is with those southern kitty belles as he doesnt talk about it... LOL

Offline Jacktheknife

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Got it.
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2004, 06:42:08 AM »
Got it!   Coke county, right below the damn of E.V.Spence lake. Bob Lee,  short for Robert Lee,   of course referring to Robert E. Lee,
Knight of the confedercy. I have a whole shelf of books in my personal library on the civil war.  One of my favorites :   " Marse Robert."
            James C. Young 1929
   I was going to miss the trappers convention at Uvalde this April,  it is so far {300 miles}  but as the Dallas area is so crowded and built up,  one day I am going to have to move somewhere.                                         And 20 years ago, when all my hounds were alive,
I went to Denver in order to sell roofs for Denver roofing co. in an attempt to get enough money to spend 3-4 months out in west Texas, {the following winter} on a ranch a friend owned near San Angelo.  Living in a tent, running traps all day and hunting with my hounds all night, before Cotton Joe,  and Suemay who were in their prime, were too old,
            I sold $200,000 worth of roofs at 9% comission, and had been in Denver 7 1/2 months, when I got a call one morning and learned that Suemay had died in her dog pen alone in the middle of hunting season.
I thought she had died of a broken heart, and blamed myself,
I left $8,000.00 on the books and came home the next day.
        But then Katy died , and three months later Joe died, he got skinny and crazy, I didn't know why. A few days before Joe died he came over to me and looked deep in my eyes, for five full minutes, looking into my soul.
          As if to say he loved me and was dying, and he had a good life .
 Later I learned he had been poisoned, with arsenic  by some brothers named Hall, the very same white trash who tried to kill me 12 years later.
I didn't even know them, they are in prison in Huntsville and I am assured by the Sheriffs dept that they will die there,
      The deputy said " Jack, the people in that prison down in Huntsville are the scum of the earth, the worst of the worst, they have their own society, but  they won't put up with those Hall brothers,  they'll kill them.        Raping children, burning their neighbors houses and poisoning Coon Hounds,  "Jack, they won't last a year."

                So the point is that I never saw San Angelo,                         loosing my hounds so horribly broke my heart, and when I was in a coma from crashing my motorcycle 12 years later,  {I had been poisoned too, with the equivelent of, 250 sleeping pills snuck in my beer}  
  I saw Joedog.  He looked great, but he had tears in his eyes,              and he told me telepathically, [God fixed it up somehow]                           " I can't believe you are still grieving for us, after all these years."        "You never got another hound,  never set another trap,  you never hunted at all !       "You drink beer and ride that motorcycle up to that beer joint way out in the country, you sit on the back porch alone,  you never talk to anybody and you don't have any friends, and your getting old, you are missing your life ! "when we all died we all suffered a lot,  me most of all.  But our suffering is over, Jack you,  are the only one suffering now and it hurts me."  We would all be there with you if we could, but we can't !"    Get you some hounds and go hunting !"  And I woke up.

              I had been out for five weeks, my motorcycle had been gone for over a month,  Its weird being killed, but to me it was worth it.                It provided me with a sense of closure to loosing my hounds so horribly.   I know they are alright now.  The girl who has cut my hair for 15 years when I told her that story, said "Jack, that was not your dog, that was God."
  And that makes the experance even more strange.

   "Get you some hounds and go hunting! "     Joe dog told me.                 and I woke up.
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Offline RdFx

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« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2004, 12:01:31 PM »
Grandfather earth is talking to you!  Got any hounds lined up??

Offline Jacktheknife

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Any hounds lined up?
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2004, 03:41:53 PM »
Yup, sure do.  Was given a good six year old hound,  old Tom, about the time I got home from the hospital. Old Tom flushed a herd of Hog at once, There were ten hog! I shot one, and drug her home and ate her,  and thought I had a hound again. But old Tom died of heartworm treatment, only had him three months.  Now the same folks up at the "feeders supply"
  [Lancaster Texas]  have given me a year and a half old female,                   {no heartworms}  Sandymay, she treed a squirrel the first day we went out for a walk, and Sandy is real smart, and will have a good home with me.
                                           Thanks for asking     Knife
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South Texas trapping
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2004, 04:32:40 PM »

I live within spitting distance of the Lake.... or mudhole as it is now....

It has about 8% in it. the bluffs are huge, and I use to fish on top of them... LOL...

Pecan Creek runs into the lake, and it also runs right through the middle of my ranch, but it has been dry most of the time since 1988 or so....

This country needs a drink in the worse way, we are in better shape right now than we have been in the past, but we are not out of the woods yet...

That was a touching story about those hounds... My Grandpaw always said, "A man that has one good horse, one good dog, and one good old lady once in his life is a lucky man." Count yourself blessed in the dog department...

I had one also, but she got into the antifreeze that was leaking from a tractor, but I got a pup from her, that may turn out, if I don't kill him first.. He is one hard headed rascal....

Well gotta get, if you get out west, give he a holler before you come......

Good Luck and God Bless,

Good Luck and God Bless you and yours,


Offline Jacktheknife

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South Texas trapping
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2004, 05:52:42 AM »
Thank you,  Bullet.
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