If you hold the barrel up to the light and look through the chamber and you see a sharp line where the chamber stops and the rifling starts abruptly, you have witnessed one of the famous, or is that infamous Mike B or is it Denis B this week, favorite Marketing ploys to sell you throating. Try shining a light in from the chamber end you might see things a little better. Alway keep in mind when dealing with him, he is a salesman. his work is good, but he is a salesman. He has a bad rep as a businessman, but he is a salesman.
In my twenty years in the business, I have yet to find a commercial made chamber without a throat. I thought I did. I have seen many a barrel that didn't look like it had a throat. But when the cerrosafe was poured and the casting pulled they all were throated. I have checked quite a few TC barrels that didn't appear to have a throat and they all did.
If you understand how reamers are made and how chambering is done you will understand that the only way a barrel gets chambered without a throat is with a reamer that doesn't have a throat ground on it or a CNC program without a throat programed in. Reamers are all made to SAAMI specs. No Commercial maunfacturer is going to purposely make a chamber without a throat. It's too dangerous.
The customs guys will use reamers without throats to set up chambers for some special application for their customers, such as cast bullet or long bullets.
I can also tell you from experience a chamber without a throat is almost impossible to chamber a factory round in. It can be done especially in some of the smaller older calibers.
If you have a Stoney point bullet seating depth guage you could check for a throat by putting a bullet in the case square base foward and pushing the bullet forward into the rifling. If the base of the bullet extends beyond the mouth of the case you have a throat. I use the Stoney point to gauge when doing special throating.
I suggest before you go to all the expense of buying or renting a reamer and possibly doing damage to your barrel do some shooting first and see if you have a problem. Once done it can't be undone, "metal don't grow".