He takes the new Ruger 357 Blackhawks, and bores them out to 44 special, and puts a 44 barrel on them. He also works the actions and does all the things you expect on a custom gun. It is something that has been done for years, by several smiths. I want one of the same guns with a 5 shot 44 mag cylinder that is long enough to shoot some of the heaver cast bullets. Going to 5 shots gives more metal to the cylinder. I shoot things like a BFR 45/70 revolver, Contenders, and several other large frame revolvers, but want a smaller frame single action to carry. The 44 mag has always been a round that is fun to load and shoot. As a friend says a 38 "may" expand to 44 or 45 caliber, but they never shrink. The hand cannons are fun to shoot, the smaller guns get carried more, and shot more as I get older. In my part of Alabama we have run out of lions and tigers and bears. The 44 mag is marginal, but so far it had taken care of the saber tooth chipmunks.