Sod, the method of pressure, CUP vs PSI, are for reference only, as a matter of comparision. It is not hard data for us to accept as gospel.
Lyman has been in this business MUCH longer than anyone else and they simply don't want to toss out tons of good info simply because SAMMI has changed methods of recording pressures. It would cost them a small fortune to re-shoot all those loads to get the PSI values. I'm glad to have that extra info myself even it the units aren't the same.
Fact is, none of us can safely take any max, or even near max, load and fire it. We MUST start lower and move only up with intelligent caution. As "bearfat" notes, even the various manuals get different results in their guns.
So, don't get too wrapped up in units of pressure. Just use those numbers as general info for consideration 'cause that's all it is.