C. Heston is a true American Hero and Patriot. He embodied all that is good about our great American heritage and tradition.
I personally will miss his brand of leadership in one of the greatest and well run organization's on the planet. This is not an over statement at all. There was a study that was done recently by a well know world firm. The study focused on private organizations like the NRA, AARP, NAACP, ACLU, ect, ect. The NRA was ranked #2 in the world just behind the AARP. This was an independant non-political study that simply looked an the organizational skills, leadership, fund raising capabilities, ect. We have Heston to thank for making the NRA so well respected by our supporters and hated by our enimies. The fact that we are hated by the anti-2nd Amendment groups is good news. That means the NRA's superior abilities are draing these anti groups funds and resources.
We are on the right side of this issue thanks to the leadershiop of Heston and the NRA. The anti groups are on the wrong side, ethically and morally. Every law abiding human being in this country has the basic human right to be able to protect themselfes thanks to the 2nd amendment. Those of us who love our freedom and basic human right to keep in contact with our heritage , tradition and culture have Heston to thank as well. In a country that is suppose to be the most free nation ever, should not be a place were you have to leave your heritage, tradition and culture by the wayside so the anti's can have thier way. NO WAY and Not from by cold dead hands either !!!
Show your thanks and support for Heston by droping a short note in the mail to him at the NRA.