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Top Priority
« on: February 10, 2007, 06:14:02 AM »
The following is from Roy Beck's - Numbers USA, it is an important solution to our immigration problems.

Type "Numbers USA" in your serch engine and register to receive all the latested issues concerning immigration, it will also provide information on what your elected officals are doing, or not doing, to correct the situation.  You can also register, and send messages to your elected officals stating your views.  Check it out.



As we predicted on our Home page yesterday, Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA) officially introduced H.R. 938 last night.

H.R. 938 would end the Chain Migration that has been primarily responsible for quadrupling average annual immigration from 250,000 a year to more than a million a year.

Chain Migration, in effect, allows each immigrant to eventually bring his/her whole village to the United States. Immigrants -- not the American people -- choose the next immigrants, with no consideration of their skills, education, needs or any other factor but nepotism.

Chain Migration is our No. 1 legal immigration problem.

And Chain Migration is the No. 3 cause of illegal immigration.

Please send a free fax to your own U.S. Representative and ask him/her to co-sponsor H.R. 938:

Click to send Free Faxes

Please send the fax as soon as you see this. It is important that every Member of the U.S. House of Representatives sees scores (even hundreds) of faxes immediately praising a bill that most know nothing about at this minute.

You can put this on the front burner in the House, even if most congressional leaders want it in the freezer.

Earlie r this week, NumbersUSA's membership of registered faxers crossed a new milestone:


You are fairly evenly dispursed in all 435 Congressional Districts ...

... and in all 3,141 counties!

There are enough of you to make a big difference on anything that all of you do at the same time.  in this email:
1. Key parts of H.R. 938

2. Magic bullet? Is the bill really that good?

3. Why ending Chain Migration is No. 3 best way to reduce ILLEGAL immigration

4. National columnist accuses NumbersUSA of wanting to reduce LEGAL immigration

5. Names of the original sponsors of H.R. 938
actions in brief:
Go to your Action Buffet corkboard and send the faxes that are posted there.

And please consider making the phone calls and other actions posted.

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plus Americans who use it.

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This bill would:

finally return the "family reunification" aspect of immigration to its original intent of nuclear family

almost totally focus family reunification on spouses and minor children -- the nuclear family; it would do away with family categories added only in the 1950s that allow immigrants to send for their adult brothers, adult sisters and adult children -- once you allow adult relatives of immigrants to have an ENTITLEMENT to live in the U.S., you create a chain that quickly reaches cousins, nephews, nieces, in-laws, etc.

greatly increase the speed of bringing spouses and minor children into the country, primarily by relieving an overburdened immigration bureaucracy from dealing with millions of extended family members.

Read a bit longer description of the bill on our Home page:

Read Rep. Gingrey's letter to colleagues describing his bill and why they should co-sponsor it.

MAGIC BULLET? Is the bill really that good?

Notice that at the top I DID say "close to being" a magic bullet.

Our immigration mess is far too big to be solved by a single magic bullet, but ......

Chain Migration is key element that makes all the rest of our immigration system so insane.

It is the multiplier of every mistake Congress or the Administration makes.

It is also the multiplier that turns a good decision to bring immigrants into the country into a long-term bad decision.

For example, our government may decide we need to take several thousand internationally recognized "special needs" refugees from a country rarely seen in the U.S. But b! ecause o f Chain Migration, tens of thousands of other people in their village or country immediately become eventually eligible to move to the U.S., too -- not because they have any merit in their own right to come to the U.S. but because they are distant relatives of those admitted refugees or of their in-laws.

Another example: We give permanent residency to a world-class scientist or baseball player or violinist or doctor or professor.

There probably aren't 5,000 cases a year in which somebody with world-class skills is available and interested to move to the United States (out of more than 1,000,000 total permanent immigrants we take each year).

But each world-class immigrant immediately creates a long waiting line of his/her entire extended family of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc., most of whom may have no special skills at all!

Get rid of Chain Migration and we all can feel a lot better about the permanent green cards that are issued each year.

Read more about Chain Migration at:
Our Chain Migration Page


OK, let's get your first two questions out of the way first:

The No. 1 best way is to have mandatory workplace verification of all employees of all employers in the country, with full data sharing by the Social Security Administration to pick up ID fraud.

The No. 2 best way is truly secure borders, which includes a check-in/check-out system in which every single person crossing the border is entered into a data base to ensure that visitors leave when they are supposed to.

But the No. 3 best way to reduce illegal immigration is to eliminate chain migration.

Chain Migration categories create a sense of expectation and even entitlement in tens of millions of people living in foreign countries. You kno! w the ga me about Six Degrees of Separation from Kevin Bacon? Just apply it to family relationships.

You want to see how many people suddenly become eligible for eventual immigration based on a single new immigrant to the U.S. if that person comes from a high fertility culture?

Look at Rosemary Jenks' chart on our website. You'll need to enlarge it a lot to really read it and understand it. But if you do, I think you will either quickly agree with me that ending Chain Migration is the most important thing we can do, or you'll make it one of your Top Three goals.

Fortunately, our laws do have annual limits on how much chain migration is allowed so that the vast majority of these relatives have to get in line. And the line can be years and years long.

So, the extended family comes to visit legally and just decides to overstay their visas since, as far as they and their supporters among the lawyers and churches are concerned, they are eligible to immigrate but just "lack the proper paperwork."

One of the biggest hammers used by the pro-amnesty crowd is that most of these illegal aliens are relatives of U.S. citizens and just waiting for their families to be "re-unified."

There are almost no illegal aiens in this country who are not related to a legal immigrant in the U.S. and, thus, eventually eligible to be here legally through Chain Migration categories.


One of our faxer members sent me an email exchange with syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette. The faxer had sent Ruben our video about how immigration is in the process of adding yet another 100 million to U.S. population in just the next few decades.

Navarrette's response included this:

"Numbers USA preaches a d! angerous and destructive message. Beck is crazy to suggest a return to pre-1965 immigration levels in a country of 300 million people. Why not a return to pre-1965 environmental or civil rights laws? It is helpful though. I hope he spreads his message far and wide. It'll help dispel the myth that the only thing people have a problem with is ILLEGAL immigration. For NUMBERS USA, FAIR, and the rest of their ilk, the idea is to keep out all immigrants."
----------Ruben Navarrette

I had my staff contact the columnist to be certain that he had actually written it. He gladly claimed ownership.

I've seen a lot of Mr. Navarrette's type of accusation. I have developed a vice of staying up late at night and "googling" to see what is being said about NumbersUSA on the internet. A lot of comments there that suggest we are hiding behind our concern about illegal immigration but really actually want to reduce LEGAL immigration.

This is always said in a kind of gotcha tone as if somebody has uncovered a deep dark secret.

Well, I have news for Mr. Navarrette and other proponents of stuffing a half-billion people into the Untied States this century:

We have ALWAYS been clear that reducing LEGAL immigration is our top priority -- while reducing illegal immigration is a close second.

I will give a quote so that our critics have something clear to use:

NumbersUSA was formed in 1997 primarily to reduce LEGAL immigration numbers because of their negative economic effect on vulnerable American workers and the numbers' negative effect on natural habitat, open spaces, farmland, small town culture and the quality of life of urban Americans.

We started out -- and still are -- promoting the recommendations of the bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform (chaired by the late Barbara Jordan) and President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development, both of which called for deep reductions ! in LEGAL immigration numbers.

Even if all illegal immigration stopped tomorrow, LEGAL numbers are so extreme that they will destroy much of what Americans love about living in America in terms of access to open space, personal mobility, freedom from regimentation, a middle-class society and individual liberty in general.

But ....

Unfortunately, most of the nation's newspaper editorial boards, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the national unions, most national religious agencies, President Bush, the Democratic congressional leadership and the top non-elected leaders of the Republican Party are so addicted to the ideology of massive population growth that they have become cheerleaders claiming the benefits of illegal immigration.

So, NumbersUSA has become almost equally involved in fighting illegal immigration which now adds roughly the same amount of people to our communities each year as does legal immigration.


Rather, we support legal immigration in the American tradition of around 250,000 a year -- the average from 1776-1976, and around what it was in the 1950s and 1960s.

We do NOT want a return to pre-1965 environmental and civil rights laws.

We DO want a return to pre-1965 immigration numbers because immigration higher than that will make -- and is making -- it very difficult to achieve the post-1965 environmental and civil rights goals of this country.

As Harvard professor George Borjas -- the nation's premier immigration ecomist -- says: The negative economic impact of legal foreign workers is almost the same as for illegal foreign workers.

The illegal workers, of course, are culpable for their damage to American workers, while LEGAL foreign workers bear no blame at all for the fact that their numbers hurt American workers. Nonetheless, the high numbers of both are still harmful.

NumbersUSA has always strongly supported efforts to speed the assimilation! of lega l immigrants into all aspects of American society, but both foreign-born and native-born Americans will have far better lives in the future if legal immigration numbers are reduced dramatically.

TODAY'S HEROES: The original sponsors H.R. 938 to BREAK THE CHAIN

These are the statesmen who listened to Pres. Bush's State of the Union appeal for massive increases in foreign workers and courageously presented a bill to do the opposite:

Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA)
Rep. Virgil Goode (R-VA)
Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN)
Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA)
Rep. Rodney Alexander (R-LA)
Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO)
Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK)
Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC)
Rep. John Duncan (R-TN)
Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC)

I am perfectly happy if almost everybody clicked on the fax link at the top and never read to this point.

But for those of you who are still reading, I will say that it is very important that from time to time we all have a chance to look over the basic principles and facts that drive our cause.

I know that many of you started sending NumbersUSA faxes because of concern about illegal immigration. Some of this information about legal immigration may not only be new to you but a bit unsettling.

Thank you for considering these thoughts. If they are not yet convincing to you, please continue to use NumbersUSA to fight illegal immigration ... and keep an open mind for the future.