Yep, the season is open until the end of Jan for fall turkey with bow.
I hunt them from pop up blinds or ground blinds built in cedars. I find where they are roosting in the fall and try to set up close to there. Trying to get between them and water or green fields that they go to each day. This one area has some feed lots and I set up between them and the lots. I have had zero luck calling these birds in KS in the fall. They have a mind of their own. Decoys seem to make them nervous. I use decoys in OK when hunting but have no luck in KS. Don't know why. We do call some when they fly down in the mornings, in the spring to get them excited. The area we hunt seems to have a lot of boss hens and they dictate where the birds travel on there way to pastures for insects. The toms run in groups and are fun to watch competeing for some loving.
As for the Bow only spring season. It just started this year. A lot of us in the KBA were instrumental in getting this. I hunt during the shotgun season anyway but now we will get a shot at them before they are all busted up around the areas from hunters.