Author Topic: Foreign Cab Drivers...  (Read 453 times)

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Offline Heavy C

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Foreign Cab Drivers...
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:31:38 PM »
I heard this on Fox today.  Now I know this is John Gibson's commentary, but come on!  It has to be going on for him to comment on this.  Maybe some of the GBO members from the Minneapolis area have more insight.

Check out the story below:

The trouble begins… now! Does John's My Word make your blood boil? Click here to listen live to The John Gibson Show on FOX News Radio (weekdays, 6-9 p.m. ET). It's your chance to call in and argue with John!


Here's my one simple rule about relations with Islam: We can all get along, but this country is a Sharia-free zone and should stay that way.

Sharia law is Islamic law based on the Koran and it is evidently the law of the land in the Minneapolis airport where Muslim cab drivers — mostly from Somalia — are saying they will not obey American law, the law of the Minneapolis Airport Authority.

The law of our land says if you have a cab license you must take whatever passenger shows up for a ride. But the Muslim cabbies say they will not carry someone who is carrying alcohol. So you get off the plane with your duty-free bottle of scotch you picked up at Heathrow, and no cab ride.

At first this story was reported as a few Muslim cab drivers. It now turns out the few is way, way more. Up to 80 percent of the cab drivers are Muslim-Somalis and they want to impose Sharia law on their passengers: no alcohol. Certainly no bottles of alcohol in the cab, and soon no alcohol in the passenger. What's on your breath, bub? Beer? You can walk.
This is outrageous and the Minneapolis Airport Authority insisted the Muslim cab drivers obey the law. But the cab drivers have now refused. They want Sharia law for themselves and imposed on their passengers. If the Minneapolis Airport Authority caves on this, every member of that board should be fired.

If Muslim cabbies won't obey our law they should go back to where their law is the law of the land. Somalia is a hellhole, but if they want to live under Somali law they can certainly go back there and live as they please. But they are here, and in this country the law is not based on the Koran and these cab drivers need to learn that fast.

I can't believe the people of Minnesota will cave to this, but I suppose they might. Political correctness is afoot in the land. Who are we to demand our own law when new arrivals want to impose theirs?

If this stands we shall run an official boycott of cabs in Minneapolis. I've never taken a Minneapolis cab, but I might fly there with a bottle of scotch just to boycott the cabbies.

I could believe this is happening in London, but here? Outrageous.

That's My Word.

If you ask me these guys need to beat it back to Somalia!!!

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Foreign Cab Drivers...
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 01:38:52 AM »
  Not only are these muslime cabbys refusing to carry a passenger with alcohol. They are refusing to carry passengers with dogs, even service dogs. I'm thinking this has the ACLU in a quandry. WHich are they going to defend? Some strange cults superstition? Or the rights of the handicapped?

  I live in rural Minnesota and this has been talked about on talk radio for quite awhile. The Airport authority is saying they are going to take thir airport licence if they refuse to service al customers. But time will tell. Minneapolis is a blight on our fair state here. The filthy liberals there will bend to all things that are unamerican. These stupid people up there even elected a muslime, that supported 2 cop killers many years ago.

99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline bearfat

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Re: Foreign Cab Drivers...
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 02:43:14 AM »
It is all true about the Minnesota airport Somalia cabbies.

The airport commission at first was going to give into their demands and be politically correct until the uproar started.
They had devised some stupid system where special lights would be on top of certain cabs meaning no alcohol allowed.
Now of course they have done a 180 degree turnabout and are telling the cabbies they may be fired if they do not carry passengers with alcohol.

Some of you may remember the recent Minnesota story of the bus driver kicking off the two kids on the bus that did not speak english...that the bus was only for non-english speaking kids.

Minnesota legislators opened the door wide open for this kind of craziness decades ago and are reaping the benefits of being the laughing stock of the nation.

You will be hearing more of the same from Minnesota whose state bird is the "Loon" as in "Loonie-Tunes"

The legislature is in session right now and just to give you an idea of this weeks gems:

1) A bill requiring a 60% majority to raise taxes was sent back to committee to "bury it."
2) A bill to transport fat kids to parks so they can excercise has been taking up most of the week.

Real problems such as the poor freeway system, gangs, illegal aliens, poor business climate, are not to be heard.

bearfats cabin:

Offline billy_56081

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Re: Foreign Cab Drivers...
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2007, 04:39:49 AM »
  Lots and lots of criminal aliens here in southern MN. The county sheriff gets em in on violations and the INS just tells him to "let em go". The budget for human services in Watonwan county MN is larger than the whole rest of the budget for all other county services. The librals are piping in anyone that will help their communist cause. The reason MN gets all these immogrants both legal and criminal is that the welfare system her is one of the best in the country.

  Many of the dregs of society come here to get welfare. Others come because of our liberal courts that catch and release. Also our prisons are summer camps. I unknowinly had to work at a prison one day. The only reason I figured out that this place was a prison, was because the majority of the people working there did not quite fit the prophile of the surrounding community. I walked into this "prison" where there were no fences or locked doors and went to work like any other place. (actually less security than many places) I have heard the "prisoners " are housed dormatory style and are only locked in at night.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.