I just got a new scope for my 223 ultra varmint fluted, and sigted it in this weekend. I zeroed at 100yd with an average of 3/4" groups. I hadn't given it a good deep cleaning in a while so I took to the task. It was quite dirty, so it took a while, but cleaned up real good. Once complete I figured I would throw a few more round down range. First shot, totally missed the target. Thought I might have pulled it or something, so, second shot, no luck either. Third shot, I aimed at the very bottom of my backstop just to see where the heck it was hitting, it punched 4 inches to the left. Fourth shot, I aimed back at the bullseye, 2 inches left. Fifth shot, dead on. Has anybody ever had this happen to them? I know the barrel was totally colled off, so I let it cool off again to see if that was the issue. It wasn't. 2 hours later first shot, dead on.