Author Topic: A Viet Nam Vets View of the War in Iraq  (Read 460 times)

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A Viet Nam Vets View of the War in Iraq
« on: February 20, 2007, 07:50:39 AM »
Jimmy Pickings is a contributing writer for "The Abilene Report News."  (Abilene, TX.) He is quite the guy, still drives the 1957 Chevorlet,  that he purchased new, to work each day.  He has an interesting view of the situation.

A Vietnam War combat veteran looks at Iraq
By Jimmy Pickens
February 18, 2007

The Abilene Grunts Association, a loyal group of Vietnam vets, held their 20th annual Tet Reunion on Feb. 3. The band of brothers proudly commemorated the American military victory over communist forces in the Tet Offensive of 1968. God bless them and our fellow fighters who did not return from that battle. This Readers Forum is my tribute to them and our military forces fighting the War on Terror.

I missed Tet '68, but was present for Tet '65,'66,'67,'72 and the Easter Offensive '72. Forty years ago, I was flying combat missions in Southeast Asia. Along with thousands of other professional soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen, my duty was to defend America and help save the lives and futures of millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. Citizen soldiers were drafted to join the military professionals to complete the task of defeating communism in SEA. Willing professionals and draftees joined this great American rescue mission. Most elected leaders stood boldly in support of the American troops' great crusade.

But that changed after our victory in Tet. Led by the liberal media propaganda machine, radical politicians and dissident groups took control of America. Venom and hate were showered upon the military. ''Baby killers''! ''Village burners''! Americans like Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Ted Kennedy demonized our soldiers and Marines even though our fellow Americans were being tortured and killed by the North Vietnamese. The U.S. Congress ignored Gen. Creighton Abrams, Commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, who was successfully pursuing the war. Congress then withdrew support for final victory. We were winning the war for freedom but the politicians and the American people lost their will and, instead, chose surrender! America was defeated, not by the North Vietnamese, but by a faithless public, led by gutless, self-serving politicians. Over 58,000 military men and women died in the war and each received a final deep stab wound in the back with America's surrender! The lack of American political and moral strength condoned the methodical slaughter of a million Cambodian men, women, and children in the steamy Khmer killing fields. Nearly 1.3 million Vietnamese were summarily executed, starved or beaten to death as the Communists cleansed freedom from the scene. Hundreds of thousands of Laotians were gassed and died in agony as American politicians gloated over removing us from the quagmire of Southeast Asia.

As I view 19 names of close friends carved on the black granite Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., I see images of forever-young men who died, stabbed in the back by an ungrateful, selfish nation. In October 1965, Dick Smith, a close friend and B-57 navigator, shared my breakfast, spoke of his new baby girl, shook my hand and walked to his aircraft. Within 30 minutes, Dick and his pilot died in a fiery crash while on a bombing run against the V.C. He was MIA until his remains were positively identified in 1999. All of these heroes' blood was spilled in vain. Their families were left fatherless for no reason. The government and people of America gave up their moral compass and chose defeat rather than victory.

Today, I see America standing on the edge of that same precipice. Dedicated professional military men and women are once again engaged in a noble but dangerous crusade for our country. The war fighters left their families, homes, and ''land of the free'' to fulfill the mission of protecting America, while saving those less fortunate. They are winning the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan but spineless politicians, driven by the leftist press, have reverted to their anti-American ways of the '70s! Peace at any price, even if it leads to the slaughter of a million people and undercuts the strength of our great nation. However, the ''cut and run'' crowd has slightly changed tactics over the years. Today's traitors cynically mouth the words, ''We support the troops,'' while supporting no confidence votes on Capital Hill. It is very troubling that Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations congratulated American voters for the outcome of the 2006 mid-term elections! Do U.S. citizens see an American political party as giving aid and comfort to the enemy?

Terrorists, bent on killing our military men and women, are elated with the past election. Bad vote America! The presidential election field is littered with hypocrites who parrot the words ''Support the troops but not the mission.'' What blatant stupidity! The Obamas, Clintons, and Bidens have reincarnated ''Hanoi Jane'' Fonda to repeat her vitriolic anti-American ranting to a seemingly gullible American public.

Will Americans fall for this drivel again? Will Americans once again unsheathe their knives and stab the dedicated, freedom loving soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines in the back? Will they again celebrate the deaths of American professional soldiers? Will they again spit on and curse our troops? Will citizens allow unscrupulous, self- promoting senators and congressmen to lead America to defeat? Will Americans rejoice that U.S. military men and women are wounded and killed? I really don't know. I fear that most Americans have let their love for iPods replace concern for national freedom and our tradition of helping others. Those who served this great country in combat fully support our military men and women!

Do you?

''We stand for freedom. That is our conviction for ourselves, that is our only commitment to others.'' - John F. Kennedy

Jimmy Pickens is a retired United States Air Force lieutenant colonel.