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need just a little more advice please
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Topic: need just a little more advice please (Read 477 times)
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need just a little more advice please
May 10, 2003, 11:40:55 AM »
Hi guys i just set my 3 traps yeasterday and went and checked them this afternoon i am using 2 duke 11-LS traps and 1 duke 1.5 cs trap on thetrigger i am using aluminim foil and Tuna as the bait i am setting threm right on the edge of the water and am coviering the wire up and chan as i was checking them i found a coon foot in the duke 11-LS and obvously it chewed its foot off i should have checked them this morning but i fell asleep after work my loss and now there is a footless coon which makes me un happy i have a few questions
1. where I am trappingi cant take a fire arm what s the best most effective way to dispatch a coon?? i bought a heavey 1 inch dowel rod to do the deed
2.On the triggers do you want a hair trigger?? On the dukes i see a screw and a nut goig through them i backed them out and it was floppy loose need some advice n that
thanks for the help in advance
Hi enjoy hunting guns teaching my 2 daughters about hunting and boxing
Mira Trapper
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Please take a trapping course
Reply #1 on:
May 10, 2003, 12:13:28 PM »
Sounds like you need a trapping course. :shock: Anybody close enough to mentor this fellow. It would seem he needs some lessons which can lead to bettEr trapper and less flack from the antis. The sleepin excuse doesn't cover the other troubles you seem to bring to trapping. Always make sure trigger is taunt enough to cut down pan wobble. Make sure trap is firmly bedded.
Its fun being me.
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need just a little more advice please
Reply #2 on:
May 10, 2003, 08:56:43 PM »
The next question is, "Why are you trapping coon in the month of may in texas?" They can't have any value.
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shoot i dont know
Reply #3 on:
May 11, 2003, 01:59:56 AM »
i guess out of ignorance i did not know when a good time was I thought you could trap them yr round i know some people who will give me 10,00 for every one i trap plus other than hog and squirrel hunting not much else is going on
Hi enjoy hunting guns teaching my 2 daughters about hunting and boxing
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need just a little more advice please
Reply #4 on:
May 11, 2003, 12:33:47 PM »
Wow a lot of problems. The best advice I think would be to get a book on trapping your main target animal(ebay or were ever) and read it all the way through. As at this time of year in TX you can only take 1 coon a day on your hunting license as trapping season for furbearers has been over for months and the fur is worthless. I would advise you pull your traps until fall and in the meantime learn all you can. Also altho this is is just a guess as I was not there and didn't see it I suspect the coon escaped by twisting its paw off and not chewing it because they won't chew off a paw if the bone is not broken and that size trap shouldn't break the bone. I think it it would be wise to use more trap swivels and a drownder cable if possible. Do the best you can to improve your methods as finding a paw in a trap should be as rare as losing a gut shot deer.
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need just a little more advice please