Ive been fooling around with a little stainless 4 5/8s super. It started out being bought to be a truck gun. It was new but i dont have many sixguns that are stock and can just be a tool. But the fever is taking over again. First i sanded off the warning and freewheeled it myself then i didnt like the sights so it now wears a bower rough country rear and a clements post front. I was going to stop there but it just couldnt have stock grips so i bought so ivory micras and sent them to our own 44 man to have scrimshawed. Thought i was done but the neighbor who is a machinist was over the other day. he scalloped the recoil sheild and the loading gate on one of the lightweights i had clements do and offered to do this one too so he has it there now. Then thinking another light gun would be nice i just picked up an aluminum grip frame and ejector rod housing on the ruger forum pretty cheap so now the plans are to have clements fit them and bead blast the whole gun. I know ive got a desease! Should make for a neat little 44 packer but now i need another working gun! I guess what the hell Ive only got about 20 more years on this old earth and might as well just beat the hell out of the ones ive got and quit worrying about them. For the little bit of money ill actually have into this one i guess it isnt worth worrying about.