I just purchesed a uderti 45 lc in the millenium model. For 270$ i couldn't help myself. I really like the feel of it. I grips are a little small like the blackhawks but they feel better then the blackhawks. I pistol really feels good in hand. it has the 4 3/4 barrel ( i was looking for a short barrel) and i like the fact that it is 45 cal and still smaller then my 357 blackhawk. as far as expectations on accuracy i have none. this will be my fun point and shoot pistol. the only thing was am not found of right now is the firing pin set up. Other then that the fit, feel, and finish i think is great for the price. i really like that pat. in sept 19 1871, pat. july 2 1872 stamped in the fram. just one of those little things that count. now all i have to do if find a good starting load. cast or jacked, which to start with.