Author Topic: Have we been sold out again?  (Read 503 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Have we been sold out again?
« on: March 12, 2007, 10:49:03 AM »
It looks like the administration has sold us out again.  It is amazing to me that so many people voice their opposition to an amnesty program, but yet they prefer to set on their butts and do nothing to prevent it.
While we were sleeping, the administration has gain enough momentum to possibly pass grant amnesty to 11 million illegal current in this country.
Our President has sold us out, and provided a sure-fire way for the failure of America as we know it.  Think it can't happen?  What happens a few years from now when the friend and relatives of those granted amnesty want to come to America.  They will come illegal, and then as a result of 11 million vote in their favor to remain, will also be granted amnesty.
It is not too late.  If you truly love this country and wish to preserve the American dream for your children and grand children, get on the phone today and call your congressman/senator and express your views on this issue.

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Dear Faxer:
Call Your Members: Stop President Bush's Amnesty
This new Phone Call Request has been posted in your Action Buffet based on your answers to the Interest Survey.
You can find this Phone Call Request by proceeding to 7537
Our sources in Congress tell us that the Bush Administration is bragging that it has enough support in Congress to pass its step-in-step-out amnesty plan to reward illegal aliens with jobs and residency.

Call your Representative and two Senators to express your opposition to this new push to reward illegal aliens with amnesty.


While the media (and all of us activists) have been almost entirely focused on blocking Sen. Kennedy's latest amnesty, Karl Rove and his White House crew have been shuttling Senators and Representatives in and out of the White House almost non-stop trying to build momentum for THEIR newly-hatched attempt at an amnesty. The groups trekking to the White House are mostly Republican, but are including Democrats, too.

Our sources say that the new Bush plan includes:

Lots of enforcement that may have to go into effect before any amnesty is offered. (But one Senator told us that he has been given no details to suggest that the amnesty would actually have to wait for enforcement to be implemented. )

The 12 million illegal aliens would get at least a temporary amnesty to allow them to remain and work in the U.S., for many years.

If the illegal aliens want to become citizens, they have to step out of the U.S. befor! e coming back in to claim it. Does that mean they can't come back in until they qualify under existing greencard quotas and criteria? Maybe. But one Congressman told us that he feels certain that the Bush plan will have gigantic increases in annual green cards to accommodate all the illegals -- and perhaps millions more foreign workers each decade.

How is this any different from Kennedy and McCain's amnesty?

Bush's probably has some real teeth in its enforcement provisions. But the net result would still be 12 million illegal aliens rewarded with the legal right to live and work in the U.S. and millions more illegal aliens enticed to come over the next decade. We are told that at least a few supposedly anti-amnesty Members of Congress have already given their approval to this new White House plan. Their willingness to consent reportedly stems from a White House argument that new features make it possible to give illegal aliens citizenship without distracted voters recognizing that it is an amnesty.

The White House is preying on the fear of many Members of Congress that if they don't soon pass something that looks like a solution to the 12 million illegal aliens, they will suffer political fallout. Only you can make your members realize that anything that allows illegal aliens to remain permanently in this country. We must stop any momentum that may already have developed for introducing this. 

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Have we been sold out again?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2007, 10:54:54 AM »
Additional information:

   From:   Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA 
Date:   Monday 12MAR07     12:30 a.m. EDT 
Phone Republicans in House & Senate ....... Their leaders are signing off on new Bush amnesty 

It appears tonight that the GOP leadership in both the Senate and the House may be giving the White House assurance that they will back the new Bush amnesty plan.

The only thing that stopped Pres. Bush, Sen. McCain (R-AZ) and Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) from passing the amnesty for 12 million illegal aliens last year was that the GOP leadership in the House opposed it.

Deep sources in Congress told us earlier in the evening that the White House is bragging to many Members of Congress that the GOP House leadership has now agreed to the new Bush plan!

This is much worse than the information I gave you early Friday morning. (Thanks for the more than 150,000 faxes you have sent in the three days since then!!!!)

ACTION NOW -- You must phone Republicans -- especially GOP leaders -- all day today if we are to have any chance to avoid this disaster. See all the instructions below. Please do not procrastinate.

If you have never phoned a congressional office, just click on the phone note on your Action Buffet corkboard at:


Our sources say that was the new Bush plan that Sen. Isakson (R-GA) was outlining on Fox & Friends on Friday. Without identifying it with the White House, Isakson said this is what is needed:

Lots of enforcement that may have to go into effect before any amnesty is offered. (But one Senator told us that he has been given no details to suggest that the amnesty would actually have to wait for enforcement to be implemented.)

The 12 million illegal aliens would get at le! ast a te mporary amnesty to allow them to remain and work in the U.S., for many years.

If the illegal aliens want to become citizens, they have to step out of the U.S. before coming back in to claim it. Does that mean they can't come back in until they qualify under existing greencard quotas and criteria? Maybe. But one Congressman told us that he feels certain that the Bush plan will have gigantic increases in annual green cards to accommodate all the illegals -- and perhaps millions more foreign workers each decade.

How is this any different from Kennedy and McCain's amnesty?

Bush's probably has some real teeth in its enforcement provisions. But the net result would still be 12 million illegal aliens rewarded with the legal right to live and work in the U.S. and millions more illegal aliens enticed to come over the next decade.

The fact that Isaakson appears to have signed off on the amnesty or is at least doing publicity for it is a terrible sign. Up until this moment, all of his immigration actions have earned him an "A" Immigration-Reduction Grade.

Isaakson was a leader in some of the really tough amendments to try to stop and gut the Senate's amnesty bill last year.

What is he doing joining the White House's push for millions upon millions of more permanent foreign workers? We are told that Sen. Kyl (R-AZ) and Sen. Cornyn (R-TX) are in the thick of this bill. Last year, they came up with a semi-awful Temporary Amnesty that was supposed to require illegal aliens to go home after a few years of legal work. But they have steadfastly and publicly proclaimed themselves opposed to a permanent amnesty.

Have they given up any semblance of interest in protecting American workers and communities from the negative effects of the 12 million illegal aliens already there?

I hope that your calls will get denials from these leaders. I hope you will be able to back them off any thoughts of compr! omising with our nation's future.


We will have faxes for you to send later in the day.

But your phone calls combined with the faxes will multiply many times over the influence you have in those congressional offices.

Instead of waking up my writing staff, I am asking those of you who see this before my staff posts faxes and phone notes on the Action Buffet to go ahead and start calling based on what I am writing here.

The phone note (which should appear by mid-morning) will take you to advice on how to make a phone call. Everybody who has ever tried it a first time says it isn't difficult at all. Just state your name and quickly explain why you are calling and give one or at most two of your biggest concerns or arguments. Let your passion show, but be polite to the staffers. Then get off the phone quickly.

Call the Capitol Switchboard


No. 1: Your own REPUBLICAN Senator or U.S. Representative

Tell them the horrible news in this email.

(If you don't have one, move to the next priority)

No. 2: Republican House Leadership:

Rep. Boehner (R-OH)
Rep. Blunt (R-MO)
Rep. Cantor (R-VA)
Rep. Shadegg (R-AZ)
Rep. Putnam (R-FL)

No. 3: These Republican Senate Leaders:

Sen. McConnell (R-KY)
Sen. Lott (R-MS)
Sen. Kyl (R-AZ)
Sen. Cornyn (R-TX)
Sen. Isakson (R-GA)


Anyth ing that provides extra greencards to allow illegal aliens now here to remain permanently in the U.S. is an amnesty.

You can't believe that the Republicans are going to give Teddy Kennedy the amnesty reward for illegal aliens.

There is no urgency to deal with the 12 million illegal aliens already here. They are damaging American workers and communities, so it is important to be using enforcement to cause them to go home over time. We want them to go home as fast as possible, but if it takes awhile that is far better than giving them legal status and qualifying them for extra taxpayer benefits while thrusting them permanently on the American people.

Don't trust general promises from the White House. Maybe it has promised certain things, but past experience suggests you can't believe any promise about immigration until you have seen the actual legislative language. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a master at writing legislation that looks like it protects Americans but which actually is meaningless.

ATTRITION THROUGH ENFORCEMENT works. More and more reports are arising in other countries that the moderate increase in enforcement here is deterring a lot of people from trying to come here illegally.

Many believe that the White House staff is secretly working with the Kennedy staff and that if it can get a sufficient number of Republicans to OK the amnesty, Kennedy may be willing to compromise slightly by advancing the Bush plan instead of his own.

On the other hand, we can always hope that Kennedy and many Democrats and special interest groups will refuse to add the tougher enforcement that the Bush plan will probably have. That could lead to the inability to get majority support.

So, it is important to push as many Republicans as possible to at least insist on tough enforcement measures that Kennedy might reject.

This is an extreme emergency. Please act now.