Even though it must be awkward feeling, did changing to shoot left handed improve your shooting. I have the same problem with the eye dominance thing. It's really only a problem for me when wing shooting and I don't do so much of that.
I was right eye dominant, but was blinded in that eye in a work accident several years ago.
For some reason, shooting hand guns only took about a day at the range to get used to. Of course I still shoot them right handed, but it just came very naturally for the pistol's front sight to automatically come up in front of my left eye.
With long guns at the bench, I shoot the same as always. Didn't really have a problem "teaching" my left hand to squeeze the trigger. But shooting while standing was a pain. I tend to stand too square to the target and can't absorb recoil as well while shooting offhand. When I take the time to think about it and place my feet properly, it is not a problem, but while shooting a course that requires movement, it really slows down my follow up shot.
Practice makes perfect, so I just need more practice for it to become second nature.
I read and post on alot of different gun boards. There are some where you feel that if you don't spend a ton of money on a rifle and don't have high end sighting systems then you are looked down upon. It may be true that I don't have much money to spend on my hobby, but I have my priorities (the kids being at the top of the list).
You guys have always been helpful and positive. I took a gun that a pawn shop probably wouldn't have taken and spent a few hours of time and no money to make it shootable again, and every post in this thread has been supportive. Not a single post saying that I wasted time on something that should've been thrown in the trash.
Anyways, just wanted to say thanks. I'm glad I found such a cool place to hang out.