Author Topic: info on semi auto bill  (Read 530 times)

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info on semi auto bill
« on: May 14, 2003, 05:32:31 PM »
Found this on a other site and reposted it here we should all show Delay our Support and email him our thanks. I am I am going to the GOA site now. Jim
Received a call from a friend on Capitol Hill last night who said that Tom DeLay, Republican House Majority Leader, will let the law expire, and will NOT allow any House vote on additional/renewable/extendable House Majority Leader, DeLay decides which bills are voted upon in the House. A couple of thoughts: I suspect that G.W. Bush knew all the time that DeLay would take this position...if G.W. does NOT lobby for an extention (which I suspect he will NOT) then it would be evidence that G.W. was playing a Washington game...His underling mentioned a position that the Pres. could deny later if proved too controversial, AND there was a plan to cut off the issue before it got to the Pres, so that the issue became a non-issue. Secondly, we should ALL contact Mr. DeLay (e-mail will do), and THANK HIM! We are quick to complain, and we should be quick to praise. Even if a bill is passed in the Senate, it will die in committee in the House. I really wish I could be in the same room when Chuckie Shumer, Boxer, Kennedy, Waxman, Finestein, et al get the news. the issue is not dead, but the law will be gone...DeLay is a power unto himself, and sticks to his guns (did you like that?)
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.