Rogue Ram
Looks like we have drifted away from your question a bit. Its kinda like the guy who asked what time it was, and was told how to build a Swiss Watch. If you have had experience calling any of the main Predators, Bob Cat, Coyote, Fox you go at it the same way. The main thing to remember is that a big cat comes in very slow and surveys his surroundings very carefully. Always watch your back door because they have a way of coming in the back door The Lion is alot like the Bob cat who may make a complete circle around you, All ways have your back covered by a buddy or some feature in the area you are calling from. A lion is not all that hard to kill so your 223 will do the job. When I was running dogs I used a 22 mag. convertable six Ruger to finish them off, But the shots were measured in feet not yards. Hope this information helps you enjoy one of the greatest thrills you will ever have. Good luck to you Sir, And hope you do well........Joe.........