Hi !
My name is Krzysiek (Chris), I'm from Poland and I'm pro gun rights - we have it much worse here in Poland than You in USA.
After the recent events at the Virginia Tech campus I had quite a few conversations with total gun ban proponents - most of them think that much stricter gun laws would prevent such tragedy from ever happening again.
It seems to me that if You are using words only it is pretty much impossible to get through to their minds and in politics the main goal seems to always be to convince the other side to adopt your point of view, so an idea came to me that maybe if I could show them a video, then the visual parts of their brains would absorb the idea better.
If a man does not have a good enough imagination then IMHO if You want him to understand a complex problem it is neccessary to show him a picture or a video. (One picture is worth a thousand words.
So I made my own gun control vs self defense webpage and used Operation Flashpoint's mission editor to make 3 short videos.
I'm not sure of my English skills (never had a teacher to tell me that my grammar (for example) sucks - and due to big structural differences between my native language and English I have a strange feeling that I often sound like Yoda), so if You care enough about the cause - can You please visit my page, find at least few mistakes and suggest a correction ?
The address is:
http://guns.aandar.comps. Please tell me if You have some arguments that I missed.
ps2. For more responses and to spread the task of English language corrections I'll post this message to few other gun fora (like medium-media or forums ? or are both versions correct ?).
ps3. I'm asking for language help because I want "anti-gun nuts" to take my page seriously - I don't want them to think that I'm dumb just because I made some mistakes (I wonder if they could learn Polish just by reading Polish internet and a dictionary hehehe).
Thanks in advance !