Weather finally broke here in Eastern Kansas Saturday. No snow, no sleet, no rain, not freezing cold. Had a great day at the range with the 1" BP cannon. Tested the new 209 primer set up, it all held together this time. This was our first try using the cronograph with the cannon. Had some interesting results. Using a 1" steel ball on a wood sabot, weighing 1130 gr we got 1061 fps from 250gr of Pyrodex. Same ball with 250 gr of 777 gave 1106 fps, and 250 gr of ff Goex came in at 1112 fps. My cannon has a 24 1/2" barrel. We went through a slight learning curve with the cannon cronograph setup. The muzzle blast from the first shot removed the reflectors from the crony and gave only an error reading. After moving it further from the muzzel, all went well. For a finale we set up a gallon jug of water at 20 yards, and touched her off. I have got to get a video of that! Next trip we hope to try 6 jugs! boomer