Author Topic: Disassemble/clean bolt on an A-bolt II?  (Read 801 times)

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Disassemble/clean bolt on an A-bolt II?
« on: March 17, 2007, 05:56:20 AM »
Is this necessary?  Desirable?  If so, how does one go about bolt disassembly with good certainty of not losing or damaging small parts (and, of course, getting things put back together properly)?  I only ask because I could wish for less resistance sometimes opening or closing the bolt.  The gun shoots wonderfully and I love it, so this is not a complaint.  Thanks for any input and assistance.

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Re: Disassemble/clean bolt on an A-bolt II?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 06:45:24 PM »
Hello?  Is anyone home?

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Re: Disassemble/clean bolt on an A-bolt II?
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 04:29:48 PM »
Taking the bolt apart isn't too difficult, but is a bit cumbersome.  The only reason I took mine apart was that I bought a new stainless a-bolt II medallion last fall, and I wanted to make sure there wasn't any packing grease or debris in there.  I took it apart to figure out how to do it, and to see what was going on.  It was actually pretty good, but did have a little more grease than I wanted.  I put it back together, and then squirted the bolt really well with carb & brake cleaner (alternated & let them dry) - squirted from both ends and let it drip out the other end.  Did this a couple times with each.  I then took the bolt apart again, just be be sure it was spotless.  Once apart, I found that it was squeaky clean.  I then gave everything a good dose of CLP, and put it back together.  Now that I know that spraying cleaner into it a few times will get it clean, unless there is a problem I don't plan on ever taking mine apart again.

As far as taking the bolt apart, I screwed up and didn't take pictures, but here goes:

This will be a lot easier if you have access to a vice.  I used a chunk of leather in the vice jaws to help protect the bolt while doing this.  Remove the bolt from the rifle, you will see the cocking indicator sticking out the back of the bolt shroud, this is what we are going to put in the vice jaws.  Put just the cocking indicator in the vice jaw and tighten the vice.  Once that is done pull straight out on the bolt handle and turn counter clockwise to unthread it.  Underneath, there is a cocking nipple (not sure if that is the actual term or not), and by pulling out on the bolt, you're preventing this from engaging anything, while at the same time allowing the threads to engage.  Once you start it will be obvious what needs to happen, and why it is happening.

As far as threading it back together, it is a bit tougher as you need to pull & push as the same time, but it isn't too bad.  I threaded it back on as far as it would go, which didn't put the bolt in the correct position, so I then backed it off 1/2 turn or so to line everything up.  I've put around 40 rounds through since putting it back together and not a single problem.

Like I said, unless there is a problem, I never plan to take it apart again when in a couple minutes and can clean and lube it thoroughly with a spray can.

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Re: Disassemble/clean bolt on an A-bolt II?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 03:57:57 PM »
Thanks, bersh, I appreciate the reply.  I've sprayed the bolt down really, really thoroughly with Gun Scrubber before and then lightly with Remoil and that made it really smooth ...for a while.  Now it's a little tight/sticky again, so given what you're saying I'll probably just keep doing that periodically and see what happens.  Thanks!