This may not be the right place for this post, but as this post has been inspired by Lloyd Smale and he is the moderator and post here frequently I thought this was the place for it.
As many of us know Lloyd is having surgery for his back again. I sent Lloyd an email wishing him well and that I would be praying for him. Lloyd replied that he was getting many well wishes and that how so many friendships develope from people we never meet except online. Lloyd said what other sport would bring so many caring people together like the shooting sports do? I think it is outstanding the way we support and care for our online friends and that shooting interest have brought us together they way it has. Guns and shooting are not the evil some would have you belive, nor are we the demons some make us out to be. We are a caring community that have been able to use the internet and like minded shooting interest to grow and build our family. GBO is just one of many places this happens. What are your thoughts on this group of caring kindered spirits that the shooting interest have brought together?