I never was a fan of 3 1/2'' 12 ga. guns. Had personal beliefs that it was a case of too much lead going thru too small of a hole.(my opinion only, no offense to others). Bought a Remington 870 supermag on sale cause it was cheaper at the time than a 3" 870. Bought a coupla different boxes of 3 1/2 '' turkey loads and decided to test them out against my standard 3'' loads. Both 3'' and 3 1/2'' loads were similar brands and shot sizes. None of the 3 1/2 patterned as well as the 3'' loads with the 3 1/2'' loads having more inconsistent patterns at all ranges with more flyers and holes in the middle of the pattern spread. Matter of fact the 3'' loads patterned better in the supermag than out of my 3'' mossberg 500, that I have used for over 20 years....... Again this is only my personal experience, but after trying both and having my shoulder tore off with the 3 1/2'' loads, I'll be stickin with 3''.