OK, just my two cents...again :grin: I feel that when we hunt, whether it be in the most remote wilderness, or in a pasture that looks like a park, or in a fenced enclosure that prevents the natural ecostructure from being contaminated by exotic animals; remember, hunting is a celebration, a ritual, an excecise in the need, as well as the right to hunt. We return to our neolithic/paleolithic ancestory for just a short time.
For you more scientific out there, the anti hunters, the vegetarians, the goths and psudo vampires, are being revealed as being Y-michondrial chromasome deficient...the "Y" is the hunting chromasome. It has been the goodness and generosity of hunters through out the ages, to feed and house the Y-deficients, as they are weaker, and less adaptive....now they threaten our hunting roots with their politics, their anti hunting deficiencies.
Canned hunt?? Nope, a celebration of hunting. Is going to church a canned hunt? No, we know and expect to find God there. We do, and we celebrate him, and us, and go out into the world... With our busy accelerated life styles, some times we need enclosure hunts...we have to guard against reducing the hunt to a slaughter in a stock yard. It has to be a pure hunt, even on a small scale.
We shouldn't bash each other's hunting, we should stick together...we don't hunt because we want to, but because genetically need to hunt.