Author Topic: caned or not ?  (Read 2868 times)

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Offline jmayton

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2009, 06:05:44 PM »
drdougrx, no offense, we're just playin'.  Dee and I just live in areas where hunting is not recreational, but necessary.  Where I am, I hunt for a rancher to control his hogs.  Now don't get me wrong, I know I can't control a population with a rifle, but I can change their habits.  It's amazing what a little predation will do to a hog population.  Anyway, they've been tearing his place up for years, so he invited me out to take as many off as I can.  He lets me take all the doe I can and a buck each year.  I passed up on a good 20+inch 10 point last year.  I just really didn't want to deal with all the work that comes after the shot.  I'm all for anyone who hunts responsibly whether they pay for it or not.  BTW, we have a lot of high-fence game ranches around here and I know that hunting there is anything but a canned hunt.  If you put a high-fence around 6-12 thousand acres, it's still hunting, no matter what anyone says.

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2009, 03:22:35 AM »
Hi Guys.....

Had a horrible day of petty bull yesterday and I know that you guys were funnin...I only wish I could live somewhere that I could spend a few more hours and hunt whatever and whenever, but I don't.  My wife for 25yrs is OK with me doing what I do, but she's not a country gal by any means....too bad...I had a hankering to move to Kerrville, Tx a few moons ago.

I'd rather not hunt/shoot high fence...I only have a few days or a week each year to do anything at all so I have to maximize.  Last year I did a Dec. preserve hunt (S.B. and his son Six_Gunz met us - you couldn't meet two nicer guys!) and a Sept Bear hunt in Maine and I really enjoyed these....this year....nadda so far...I need to find a a few extra $$$$$$ to offset a couple tuitions. 

Hey Dee.....I think that flock you mrntioned is walking by my office window as we speak........geez...will ya look at the piercings!!!!!!!!!
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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2009, 03:24:48 AM »
Yep! A magnet's best friend. Style? or Freaks? I vote freaks. ;)
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Offline drdougrx

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2009, 03:26:21 AM »
Art students....well....time for the first of several back on tonight!  Have a good day all.
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Offline swordfish

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2009, 06:31:22 AM »
I hunt free ranging hogs in an area that is heavily populated with hogs and kill at least one hog every third time out.  I sometimes get three or four at a time.  That is much cheaper than paying some guy to hunt on his high fence "ranch."   

Could you share some GPS numbers. I'd like to see hogs everytime I range/public land hunt. I don't believe it until I can see your hunting areas on Google Earth. Feel free to send them to me in a PM.  ;D Even here in Florida it is hard to find an area that almost always has hogs, takes years of hunting to find one. So show me GPS spots or I'm sending up the BS flag. There are public land areas here in FL. but no "open range" free to hunting. It doesn't exist here in FL.

I range/public land hunt for fun, but when I have a cook-out planned, I ranch hunt for food. I never trophy hunt. If I shoot it I plan on eating it.

BTW, we have a lot of high-fence game ranches around here and I know that hunting there is anything but a canned hunt.  If you put a high-fence around 6-12 thousand acres, it's still hunting, no matter what anyone says.
Well said.
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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2009, 08:36:38 AM »
drdoug, I hear ya. I've been trying to get into the sport of hunting since I was 18 years old. I'm 41 now and have only hunted several times...mostly hogs or exotics with outfitters. You and I have talked about the Brady Ranch on here before. I just didn't know anyone who hunted growing up nor through, or after, college. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get. I applied for permits to public land here in FL for the first time in my life. Not sure I'll know what I'm doing if I go, but I just had to say "the hell with it...I'm gonna try". If I pull a permit and go, hopefully I won't piss off an experienced hunter who has been hunting public land all his life. You gotta start somewhere. I'm trying to get some experience so I can teach my sons the outdoors and hunting one day...something I never had.

As for hogs here in FL. I've been to the Brady Ranch, Ross Hammock ranch and Dixie Sportsman's. I took hogs on each trip. I didn't go for a trophy, nor wanted one. I went for the experience, to have fun and to bring home some good meat. I got that. People were nice, lodging was good, food was good and hogs were found in decent numbers at all places.

Also, I shoot at a public range here in Southwest FL at Babcock Ranch WMA (might be called Cecil Webb now). I see hogs either while at the range or driving into the WMA on my way to the range probably 30 - 40% of the time I go. That leads me to believe that there is a good hog population in that area, even for public land. If your close enough, you might want to try for the second draw for a deer permit. You can hunt hogs during deer season. But, I don't go to that range during deer season as it's pretty crowded on weekends then. 
B. Leeber
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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #36 on: July 17, 2009, 05:03:39 PM »
Dr Doug, I agree with you.  Fenced hunts are great time with friends and alot cheaper.  Here in NW Ohio, we have deer and turkeys and squirrles.  ( Backyard species )  No exotics or bears or carribu.  They are dream hunts, and with good company and a chance to go somewhere you always wanted to see, I would like that too.  But when I comes down to it ($$$$), I guess I would have to stay with the canned hunts for now. Plus you can still learn a thing or two about the species you are after. 

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2009, 01:35:43 AM »
Hunting in Massachusetts is tough especially the closer you are to the Greater Boston Area. There are a lot of suburban deer and turkey but access is very limited. There are pockets of land that you can hunt but it takes a lot of investigation and scouting time. That is why archery is the way to go east of Rte 495.

I'm luckier to live in southern Worcester County and work in northern RI. I can get out of work at 2:30 PM and be in my treestand fully ready to hunt before 3:00 PM.

I'll agree on the peircing issue with young people. What is really frightening are the peircings that you can't see.

Offline Swampman

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2009, 02:08:56 AM »
I've been on some so called "canned" hunts, and all I can say is that we had a lot of fun (a.k.a challenges) and killed some nice hogs.  Having worked with some hogs that came straight from Europe for an archeological/living history site, I'd say that while a shetland pony & a Clydesdale are both horses they aren't the same thing.

Hogs pictured as "European/Russian" look nothing like Feral hogs or even 10th generation American wild hogs.  Like deer, there are sub-species.  Iowa deer & FL deer while generaly the same are somewhat different.
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Offline drdougrx

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2009, 09:47:09 AM »
Hi All,

My attitude is that it is what it is and I don't try to make it out to be antything more than that.  Some of these high fenced hunts were pretty challanging, ie, a pure mouflon hunt I was on at the Prioer Ranch in Ingrahm TX.  There was a heard of about 60 sheep, all males in a 1500 acre, high fence area.  It was covered with shin oak that's about 4' high and all kinds of other thickets and draws.  We hunted them for 18 hours over 2 days before I got a shot...I had about 2 hours left before dark on last day of a 3 day exotics hunt.  It was fun and no more challenging than the Montana mulie hunt I went on a few years before. 

I've been going to WildHill in VT.  It's big with good food and nice accomodations,,,,and it's a 3hr drive.  Everything you shoot is custom butcherd, packed and wrapped and they will even handle taxidermy if you want.  Last few years I've been shooting their premium animals like hogs over 350lbs and fallow, etc.  Next year, maybe another curl and 1/2 corsican something and an ibex or maybe a red stag.....but it's really a weekend away.

I'd prefer another axis or moose or waterbuff or mtn lion or aoudad/ ain't gonna happen.
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Offline kix

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Re: caned or not ?
« Reply #40 on: August 02, 2009, 06:54:38 PM »
  Jmayton  Are you saying that hunting a 12,000 acre high-fenced ranch is not a "canned hunt"? I beg to differ. You simply walk down a fence-line that stretches 10 miles,take a right,keep walking another 7 miles until your hog is cornered and blast him. Simple. The honest truth is that most hunters don't realize how much country a lot of these ranches cover and therefore consider it shooting fish in a barrel. I don't hunt a high-fenced operation but Lord wish I could simply for the fact it would keep my neighbors from killing deer before their prime and that is why large ranches in Texas do it. But I'm sure this information is going over a lot of heads.   Kix