What myself and everyone else here recommends is that you go to the local archery shop and try every bow you can lay your hands on. One or two will stand out and just feel right. Also try the bow your friend is selling to see how it compares. Any bow will need to be tweeked to get it to fit you.
When I first tried bow hunting to see if I would like it I was given an old, old Golden Eagle bow with a max draw of 28". I did not know any better and thought a bow was a bow. I actually have a 30-1/2" draw. Once I was hooked and after trying literally dozens of bows, one bow stood out which was a Mathews Ultra2. It was nowhere near the flashiest nor most expensive but just felt right. My accuracy and confidence went through the roof. This year will be my 5th season hunting with it and it just keeps on putting deer on the table.
It cannot be emphasized enough the importance to get a bow and equipment (different style releases, etc) that is one with you.
One last thing. Bow hunting is very, very addictive. And good luck on your purchase whatever it is and we always expect pictures on here and a good hunting story.
EDIT: Dont get caught in the speed and draw weight macho thing. I am a big fella and easily can do a slow intentional draw at 70# and also I do practice all year round. A lot of deer have been taken with a 50# draw weight bow I am sure. Well, you know what I mean. Too much draw weight that you can handle will cause loss of accuracy and just be frustrating and futile. Smooth, slow movements and accuracy is the name of the game when bow hunting. 99% of the time you only get that one shot. You may have to hold that sucker on full draw for one or two minutes to get "the" shot also so keep that in mind also when thinking about buying a bow is the letoff.
A link to a great bow info site can found here ...