I was talking about a 357MAG!!.
1.Who says a Glock isn't a hunting weapon?.It gos bang,and before the 44 the 45colt and the 357 was king,IF i remember correctly.What happened?,did the 357 all of a sudden become a water pistol?.remember.
2.I asked if they made a 357 mag,i pistol say what the purpose was.
3,cc would be the primary use of the gun,but if i want to go and shoot something while hunting or fishing,or hiking,whats the primary?.
For strictly hunting,i have a strictly BH,in 41 MAG.
I have a lot of brass for a 357,that i had and like a dummmm a#%$s,sold it.Im also looking for,or some information on the 40MM,as stated for the 357MAG.Loaded with Noslers,the 357 has killed 4 deer for me.pan.