In no particular order - Rosie and a mate , watch oh ---- tv on cable , there is someone that stupid !
Steel and heat , been a pipe fitter most of my life , steel pipe or any pipe for that matter is rated at how many pound per sq. inch of pressure it can withstand ! and that spec. is always followed by a temp. max. on some pipe it has multp. ratings and all have temp. max. with them . if that dosen't clear up the ( hot metal bends /breaks ) deal we will have to realize some people are void of logic ! and go on !
As good folks we should realize its not Rosie's fault some event has made her this aggressive out of control loud mouth , much like a child who is not a pretty child or a smart child or a good at sports , who has to misbehave to get attention !
This is just an opinion not based in fact but then again when has fact made a difference when Rosie was concerned ?
We as a group should take up a collection and see if the dog whisper guy could correct her poor behavior ! I have watched a few of his shows and he has worked with meaner dogs before ! imho !