As I was weaving my way through the threads today, I noticed there has been some talk about having to wait for white oak to dry or how much it will split if not dried and used in a project.
Some while back (could have been yesterday or a couple of years ago) while pondering this question while trying to locate a source of kilm or air dried white oak, I remember or a least to best of my ability, some old timer's advice/trick of the trade:
Take your wood put it on saw horse's, rub in several coats of boiled linseed oil, thinned with mineral spirit's or turpentine, apply liberally.
After the initial coats, rub the wood daily with undiluted linseed oil, or more frequently if the oil is absorbed into the wood, continue this until the wood is saturated, oil can been seen coming through the wood from the bottom. (Don't remember how long this takes-days? or weeks? thinking maybe weeks.)
Anyone else heard of this or something like it?
Any comments on this procedure?---think it would work?
See y'all at the Mansfield cannon show,------Noon right?----------Cannon building.