I FL size all of my cases except the 218 Bee , case life will depend on a lot of things , like how much your chamber lets the case expand , how well the brass is made and how hot you load each round . I have some 45/70s that have been FL sized 6 times with some stout loads and still show no signs of stress , but have had others like my 270 that failed in just 2 loadings .
It is hard to put an exact number on how many times you can load a given peice of brass , most expect to get between 3 to 6 loads and some much more , i have 20+ year old 45 Long Colts that have been loaded well over 20 times and still going strong .
neck sizing can prolong the case life some as you only work a small amount of the brass not the whole case , anneling the necks can also help , depends on just how much work you want to put in to the loading .