I've run a bear bait station and have helped a couple friends keep theirs baited, this is a lot of work if you want to do it right, and needs to be done frequently.
I've found that bears go for the "sweet treats" first!! One of your local bakers and butchers should be your "good friend". Get all the throw away dougnuts you can, or if you have to buy a bunch of the "day old" dougnuts. Also, fresh meat trimmings are great, black bears love fresher meat. From what I've seen bears will go for the sweets first!! Once had a bear eat all the dougnut holes and jam, then started smelling around untill she found the empty jam can about ten yards away up on a broken down stump, and licked that clean, then went back to the barrel to see what else was on the menu.
Baiting can be a lot of work, but is also a lot of fun to just watch the bears even if it's not one you want to harvest. Watch how & where they come in, watch the body language for any signals that other animals (bigger bears) might be around. If you have a small / medium bear on the bait and they suddenly get alert or smell the air then take off, this usually means that another bigger bear is in the area. Get ready, be quiet, and move as little and as slow as you can - big old bears didn't get that way being stupid! Good luck and have fun!