Thanks for the info quick, I got it last night along with some h4831 about 50 empty cases, 150 or so primers and a lee hand press which i dont really have a need for, a lee case trimmer and a few other goodies, First thing is im going to refinish the stock and forarm, they must not have had it sealed good under the recoil pad because the finish is coming off from the recoil pad forward and from the barrel channel down, i never had this problem with my handies because they were never used for anything other than groundhogs and never in the rain and snow. Also the barrel and frame have a little play, he has never had it apart thats the way it came from h&r. he said it always was like that but it still always shot pretty well. Im quessing just to follow the barrel fitting in faqs if i want to tighten it up? I might try it on the hornet or 223 frame to see it it locks up tighter.