I have a .41 Blackhawk and Redhawk as well has a .45 Bisley.
For me, the Bisley grip is more comfortable under recoil than the standard Blackhawk. The .41 Blackhawk beats up my ring finger on the trigger guard a little bit with hotter loads. I have kind of large palms and short, stubby fingers. Not enough to be a huge problem but another reason I prefer the Bisley. I like the looks of the Blackhawk grip a little more though.
I like my .45 a little better because bullets, brass, and bullet moulds for the .45 are a lot easier to find than in .41 and there is more potential at the top end with heavier bullets with the .45. In all reality, I handload them both to about the same level for my purposes so it doesn't make much difference.
Just my $.02.