After many hours on line, I found a company that has reprints of original H&R catalogs. I ordered the 1903, 1908, and 1913 books. The take down and assembly instructions are in these catalogs. Great reading for only $10.00 each. My shotgun is a H&R automatic ejecting single gun model 1908 16 gauge. This is the first H&R model with snap off forend. Previous models had a quarter turn hinge pin you removed to take off barrel and forend. The stocks are black walnut and you could get them in 12,16,20,24, & 28 gauge listed for black and smokeless powder. Acessory barrels were available. Now if I could just find a 24 or 28 gauge barrel. The 28 inch 16 barrel weighs less than my 22 inch 28 gauge barrel on my current gun.