Will have to do the pics later this week, I dropped the camera on mother's day (not my fault ). Now I am still hot for a 475 or 500 in a manageable size If i can pull it off financially. the dissemination of knowlege and experience and the comeraderie ignites the old gunning fires, and after a few years and being long of tooth and tail and short on hair and time, I decided the time to do it is today.. since yesterday is over... if it is just too expensive for now, i will wait for a short while.
But have you heard of Finch ? I thought I had heard of his work, but cannot recall where. this was not a really expensive gun, just filled that spot for now that every SA fan has for a colt (cloned or not ) I guess it is just a cheap accurized SA made at the old Colt plant. Handles lovely and great trigger action.
I have a terrible day scheduled tomorrow so it may not be easy to post till wednesday, the gun looks like a dull black colt second generation with jewelled hammer, but it feels like a million bucks. Bought it sunday, will shoot wednesday or Friday...
Signed :
Anxious Coon Asse