The Montado has had three trips to the range, been on a few hikes and a fly fishing trip and I am still very pleased with my purchase.
The details:
I've tried several loads and the early favorites are a 255gr SWC and a 250gr RNFP (Lee mold). The two powders that seem to do the best are SR4756 (Speer #13) and AA#5 (Accurate Powder), both at published Max (for Colt and replicas) levels.
The 255gr SWC over SR4756 averages 827 fps and will group under 3" at 25 yards, off hand, throwing out the (called) flier. At 25' it will put them in an enlarged hole. This load prints about 3" low for me at 25 yards and about 1" at 25'. I get a clean burn with a little bit of sooting on the forward third of the case.
The 250gr over AA#5 averages 823 fps and will group similarly to the SR4556 load. It burns slightly less sooty.
The other powders I tried were W231 and SR7625. Both showed promising accuracy but produced more soot.
The velocity is very nearly equal to the velocities I get in my 4-5/8" Ruger Blackhawk
Shooting the Montado at these levels is comfortable. I noticed the recoil being different but not punishing compared to my bigger gripped Ruger Blackhawk. It took me a few cylinders worth to adjust to the smaller grip. The shorter barrel amplifies any deficiencies in one's technique. Getting the repetitions with each trip to the range has brought improvement.
The sights are easy to see and align. The shots center (low) on the bullseye. Once I settle on a load I'll get file the front sight if needed to bring the POA = POI.
The Montado point shoots very well too. Focusing on the target without using the sights and firing at a steady rate at 25' it was easy to keep a cylinder's worth centered on the bull in a 4" group.
Shooting one handed is where the Montado outshines the Blackhawk. The smaller grip and Super Blackhawk style hammer make firing and re-cocking easier and faster.
In the field it is a pleasure to carry even though the holster I'm currently using fits my 4-5/8" Blackhawk better. I have a holster for the Montado on order but it looks like I'll have a month or so wait before it is made. I wear it crossdraw and I rarely notice it when hiking, fishing or while driving. It conceals well under an untucked shirt.
I still have more testing to do but so far I really like it.