Thanks for the reply JJ
I really don’t have any plans to do this & realize that it could turn out to be a fool hardy notion unless it is done right. Once one gets into calling, it is like a disease that wont go away so I just had to ask!. My own senario would be to use an open reed just for the variety of sounds that can be made. My blind would be in the open in a small natural pocket but yet close enough to an outcroping or finger of brush, timber, or drainage to make the predator feel secure while it is closing in.
Thanks for pointing out the realities. I guess that if something like a Lion, Lepard, or Heyna is coming in it really doesn’t matter whether it catches your scent or not?
I imagine that you have had some great experiances calling in the smaller predators that you can see along with watching the bigger ones head for the speaker in the tree!
Do You Guys ever have any conflict with the predators while tracking wounded game or while doing field dressing/quartering chores?