Author Topic: Best way to start out?  (Read 641 times)

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Offline slickest

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Best way to start out?
« on: June 03, 2007, 08:22:35 AM »
Hello everyone, im new to the website.

      Well im looking for a rifle to start as being used for prairie dog hunting.  I dont know a thing about H&R rifles but i think i heard you can interchange the barrels?
       First off im left handed so will this gun fit me right?. I guess i would like to start out with the .22-250 but how hard would it be to switch out the barrels on the ultra varmit fluted? or would i need to buy a different model to interchange barrels? I guess i dont really care about that stock that much. I would just like a .22-250 or will the .223 do the trick for me?

       I also do hunt deer so i guess i would like to be able to use the .308 barrel if possible in the season.I would probably be putting a sheppard scope also.  If someone could suggest to me a good model to start out with and what the price would be i would greatly appreciate it

Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 08:56:39 AM »
Welcome aboard. ;D You are only one Handi away from catching the disease. Seeing as you are left handed the Handi would fit you fine. You would just put the offset hammer spur on the left rather than the right side. You can exchange barrels but some may have to be fitted look in the FQA section at the top of the page. I have a 204 and like it alot but the 22-250 and the 223 are also great choices. It only takes a minute with a screwdriver to switch barrels. You can also order barrels from the factory but you would have to send them your frame so they can fit the barrel. Good luck to you.
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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 09:17:04 AM »
Welcome to GBO. Feel free to look back through the pages here and you will find a ton of info and some good reading. And as Dale said, the FAQs are recomended.
All centerfire rifles come with SB-2 receivers, meaning you can get almost every barrel listed on the accessory page fitted to your frame. With the exception of the 12ga and 10ga UltraSlug barrels and rimfire barrels.

Both 22-250 and 223 are excellent varmint cartridges. There is usually more reports from 223 owners around here than 22-250 owners, and they have an excellent reputation for accuracy.


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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2007, 10:37:59 AM »
Best way to start out?

Becoming a GBO member and picking the brains of all the Handi-holics here was a Great way to start!


Offline slickest

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2007, 10:48:57 AM »
are the ultras that much more nice than the just the regular handi's? or what is really the difference? What is the going price when new for either one? im sure i will end up buying the .223 to start out first. thanks for the help guys.

Offline superjay01

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2007, 10:53:15 AM »
As a lefty I have to say that I love handis. As for your caliber choice either would work well. The good thing about the 223 is you can get cheap ammo for it. I have a fondness for the 22-250 for some reason, I guess it's because it has never left me down. Lol. The 308 is a great all around big game caliber. I don't have it in a handi yet, but I have one in a Remington. Welcome aboard I'm sure if you have any questions about the NEF line of firearms someone on here will be able to answer it.
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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2007, 10:58:40 AM »
Thanks for the graphic Bill, I like it!!! :D

Slick, depends on whatcha call nice, if you like laminated stocks instead of plain "pallet" wood, you'll like the Ultras, and there are even nicer Ultras available in the new thumbhole 223 and 243s. Basically, the wood is the only difference, the barrel finish is a little nicer on the ultras, but the frames are the same. Features in some of the Ultras are different too, in 204, 223, 22-250 and 243, the 24" bull barrel is unique to the Ultras, as are the fluted barrels. Unfortunately, they don't offer the t-hole in a lefty version.....yet!!

However, you can get any of the barrels from the accessory barrel program for any SB2 frame made '99 and later, doesn't have to be an Ultra frame to fit an Ultra barrel, or most any other barrel for that matter, as Aaron said.


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Offline slickest

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2007, 11:17:20 AM »
geeze you guys know your stuff. I think I will have fun bothering all of you. I believe im going to start with the ultra hunter then. once i get it i will have to post some pics. I guess im going to be out in prairie dog/ground squirrel heaven for about a year working. Also known as hettinger, North dakota. so yeah should get in some good shooting then

Quickdtoo so if i buy the ultra frame. will it fit the regular SB2 barrels or not? or is it just the regular handi rifle will take the ultra barrels?

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2007, 11:30:40 AM »
All of the SB2 rifle frames are the same, Handi, Ultra, Buffalo Classic. The finish on the BC frame is case colored, and older Ultra frames had a nicer finish, but other than that, they're all the same, will accept all barrels except rimfire, and the larger in diameter 10ga/12ga slug gun barrels.

Barrels and frames aren't one size fits all like the Encore/Contender, each barrel is fitted individually at the factory, but many here buy used barrels and fit them if needed, lots of times they'll fit fine with no fitting necessary, other times they need considerable modification to fit.

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Offline slickest

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2007, 11:49:29 AM »
im guessing as far as going from the ultra hunter barrel to a ultra bull or to the standard sb2 barrel i would have to switch stocks out? or will they fit  right up? appreciate the info guys. thanks for taking the time to post back to my question tim

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2007, 11:56:33 AM »
Butt stocks all fit too, barrel channels of some of the forends may need to be altered for the larger barrels tho. I mix and match stocks all the time, it's part of the fun of being a Handiholic!!! ;D

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Offline DalesCarpentry

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2007, 12:16:49 PM »
Tim. The way you have all your guns standing have you ever bumped one and had them all fall over?
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Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2007, 12:29:54 PM »
No, I have 3" sheet rock screws covered with vinyl tubing between most of em to keep that from happening. I stand them that way to keep oil from running down the bore/barrel on to the latch and shelf, it also protects the Limbsaver pads from reacting/compressing on the floor covering. ;) I've always done my muzzleloaders that way, decided it wasn't a bad idea for all of em!! Old timers did the same thing to keep oil from soaking wood stocks.

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Offline slickest

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2007, 04:01:55 PM »
So where would be a good place to look at different stock options for these rifles?

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Best way to start out?
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2007, 04:24:36 PM »
See the link in the FAQs named "Let's see some Handis", for a start, lots of other stuff in the FAQs to help answer most of your questions. ;)

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