Howdy folks!
I came across a link to this forum while searching through posts at place too, by the way--and can finally heave a sigh of relief knowing I've found the forum where I belong!
I've been a handgun enthusiast for many years, still own and enjoy a small number of older S&W N and K frames as well as a few good Colts-1911s that is! I've visited and posted at a few boards, S&W, Colt, etc, and while I learned a lot and enjoyed reading others posts I just didn't have the same kind of passion for those particular manufacturers those folks did. Nice firearms, and I enjoy mine--but it just wasn't the perfect fit.
In the past I've owned and shot a few Ruger and USFA Single Actions, enjoyed articles from Ross Seyfried and many others--sometimes over and over...and thus developed an interest in Single Action revolvers. I've tried to convince fellow shooters and friends of mine that--self defense and ease of reloading aside-- no finer hand-held firearm has ever been developed. They of course look at me while reloading the plastic magazines of their Glocks, grin and wink among themselves as if to say:
"Well...he's just kinda "special" fellas--let's just humor him."
A Freedom Arms revolver was always at the top of my want list, but college and my first low-paying job out of college conspired to keep one out of reach. Well after a change of careers, my first house, and my first dog (if ya can't find a good woman; which I have before, I just have trouble keeping 'em--then a good dog is a close second) I finally reached a point where I could take a deep breath, and write that big check!
Thought I'd share a few pics of my new revolver and start my first post out with a bang, if you will!
I'd read about the level of fit and finish, the "bank-vault" lock-up, etc...and I can say it's all true...every bit of it. This is without a doubt the finest revolver--or sidearm of any kind for that matter-- I've ever owned or handled. There simply is nothing else out there to compare it to--it truely is in a class of its' own! I always thought the 6" Premier Model 83 seemed to be the most perfectly and elegantly proportioned single action ever--and I'm so darned excited not only to have one of my own, but a forum of like-minded folks to share my enthusiasm with!
mr mojo