Yes, they were both with the NWTF TDC. And if I must admit the truth, they both went down with one shot! (although I'll deny saying that since the rule in NY is one bird per day). Totally accidental. Truth is, I went out that morning with the modified choke in by accident. I had been hunting turkeys with the X Full choke I bought for the gun, but the previous weekend I had my son shooting clay birds with it and I forgot to change the choke tube. Anyway, I had just hiked to the top of that hill in the background at 5:00 AM when I realized it so I figured I would make do with the modified choke. Well, when these two guys came out, I picked out the bigger one and shot, not thinking the other guy was near close enough. The one I shot at dropped like a rock and to my surprise, the other guy started flopping around too. It was a truly awesome hunt, albeit accidentally slightly illegal!