Author Topic: Firing blanks  (Read 461 times)

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Offline sidroski

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Firing blanks
« on: July 02, 2007, 05:19:37 PM »
What would you recommend for a golf ball size mortar to fire blanks with? I have heard of using cork for noise factor but what thickness? I just got my first mortar and have fired paper out for testing and checking safety. Fired a couple golf balls out for fun but would like something I can shoot without it going downrange. Also what else can be safely fired out of it. Thanks

Offline Cat Whisperer

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Re: Firing blanks
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2007, 01:37:50 AM »
First, WELCOME to the board!

Second, golf-ball caliber mortars (with the tube so short) can be a frustration firing blanks.

Try a disk of cardboard on top of the powder.  It won't go far, and if soaked/dried in baking soda it isn't as flammable as plain.

Packing in much of any else is going to produce a projo of lesser or greater significance.
Tim K                 www.GBOCANNONS.COM
Cat Whisperer
Chief of Smoke, Pulaski Coehorn Works & Winery
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N 37.05224  W 80.78133 (front door +/- 15 feet)

Offline accuratemike

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Re: Firing blanks
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2007, 02:55:54 AM »
I usually steer clear of the "This is what I stuff down my barrel" discussions but, I too have tried to find something that would make my GB mortar go bang (besides golf balls). Cardboard didn't do it, nor did a bunch of paper. I have been using a slice of white bread and a marshmallow. I kind of patch the marshmallow with the bread. A slice of bread alone isn't quite big enough. The bread lands 25' out, I never have found the marshmallow. Like CW said, ANYTHING constitutes a projectile. You should be loading accordingly (IE W/projo, not "blank"). I use about 200 grains with bread/mallow, not ear splitting, but about as good a boom as I can get. MIKE