Thanks guys, for all the good tips and info. I am looking foreward to my Kentucky visit, and hope to set my sights on a buck. Or a doe, I mainly want to stock my daughters freezer with some good eating venison. My 270 Handi has been a good shooter with Remington 130gr factory ammo. But it seems to shoot higher as it heats up, and each year that I buy a new box of ammo, it seems to shoot to a different spot. I have the same problem with my Mauser. I don't think the Rem ammo is consistant year to year. I have just lately been working with the 130 Sierra and H4831 powder. The load that I have , that shoots into an inch in my mauser 270, is too hot for the handi, some cases stick. The Rem ammo never sticks, just is not consistant.