Thank You again everyone.
mattinPA - What are the rules for factory class? Are they universal or are they local rules? Just about all my guns have had different barrels (mostly cheap ones) put on (done the work myself) and some type of trigger work done, replaced the trigger and bedded the action. Doesn't this throw me out of factory class? Is there a modified factory class? Of course they are still not up to the true Bench Rest guns with 2 oz triggers, lapped barrels, custom actions and $500 stocks. There are no bench rest shoots I know of in my area (NE Indiana). There are very few ranges here either. Most people shoot in their "back yard" or go to a very small state owned range. I work with a guy that is interested in Bench Rest (he shoots a Norma 6mm BR) and he went to one in Ohio last year. He has not mentioned any thing in our immediate area. I have not done a lot of looking for it though. I am interested, more for the talk than anything else. I have always liked the exchange of information and the friendly discussion of differences. I think that is why I like GBO, lots of good folks here at all levels of experience.