This one is for Quick (or anyone else that might have an answer

) I just got a 45 Colt barrel from SDN921 (Thanks again Scott) I put it on my Handi and headed out for an enjoyable afternoon of trying out some different loads and some of the first that I tried out "Trail Boss" in. I also loaded up some hot ones with JHP bullets in a variety of weights. First off let me say that for no more time than I had and granted that I was only at 25 yards, I have to say that this thing is a real shooter!

It shot everything well and two of the hot loads and one of the mild plinkers were awsome. I mean with my eyes, open sights and not much time to spare, two of the jacketed loads could be covered by a Quarter and the 200 gr. cast LSW could be covered by a Quarter with room to spare. Now the problem. With all of the loads except the super light plinkers, the brass was hung in the barrel and I ended up having to remove it each time with a pair of pliers. I think by the looks of things the extractor is catching the brass along the sides when it swells to seal the chamber and you can see the scratches where the upper corners on the outer most tips of the extractor are catching the brass. Tim, I thought I remembered you having some sort of problem like this. Did you fix it yet? I am wondering about puting a slight bevel and polish on the extractor and knocking the sharp corners off. What do you think, or more importantly what did you do with yours?