Tanning ones fur is really easy.
And there are many different ways to do it.
I have always used 'Rittles' tanning stuff.
Its always done a good job and its all I have ever used.
It involves soaking the fur in salty water,
Soaking the fur in an acid,
Soaking it in
And then painting with warm oil.
And but for working the pelt over a board, washing, trimming, and sanding the flesh side,
Basically, tanning consists of soaking the fur in various tanning agents.
Easy work!
The trick to having fine furs and having the tanning process be so easy,
isn't easy at all.
Now here is where I need work as I have never really learned how to properly flesh a hide.
Not like the fur buyer does.
I have seen 500 coon!
Hanging on wire stretchers fur side out and each one pure white!
Perfectly fleshed!
A beautiful sight they were I am determined to get a two handed fleshing knife
and learn to do it right before I die.
Once fleshed clean, tanning is easy.
The difficult step in tanning is the pre- tanning work and work it is.
I use a one handed flesher, tail stripper, and pocket knife,
and it has worked all my life but like homebrewing I am developing speed,
as well as accuracy in the brewery.
The tanning process is too slow and I expect a bigger load of fur this year.
This isnthe year