skifastchad, I just mounted a Dednutz system on my H&R Model 58, I haven't shot it yet, but I like it so far; Fit and finish are first class. The main reason I used it is that i wanted to make the rifle as light as possible. I replaced the wood stocks with H&R plastic, shaved I think it was about 8 oz, the rifle has the tapered barrel, one pound lighter ( in .30-30 ) then current non-tapered versions. The Dednutz system is 1 1/2 Oz. lighter then H&R base with weaver rings, and has nothing protruding to catch on "stuff". I put a Leupold 4X compact on it, and removed open sights. I don't plan on playing "scope bingo" with it, so the QD feature is a non-issue for me. I am thinking of using the Dednutz system on a .444 , a .500, and a .35 Whelan in the future, if the one I now have works as solid as it looks.