Thats why I haven't bought a .243 yet. I hear all these horror stories about getting them to shoot. But the ONLY rifle I had when I got out of college was a Remington 700 bdl in .243 So I've used it a lot. Nothing was done to make it more accurate and it wore a 6x40 Tasco scope (1966) I hunted ground hogs with a vengence. using 75 grn hollow points and imr 4350 as hot as you could load them. Any day of the week it would shoot dime sized groups and no ground hog was too far away to shoot at and hit.
When it came to deer, I used Nosler 95 grn solid base or 90 grn speer, same powder, same resiults. I shot lots of antelope,deer and a few wild hogs and prarrie dogs with it.
I've been spoild by that rifle but sadily have since parted with it. So with all these bad stories a bout .243 handi's I'm very hesitant to do so.
Might also add tha a .75 grn hollow point through the ribbs of a big Mulley buck also did the job. He just happened along at the right time.